Upcoming Youth Events

Youth Permission Slip

Youth events take place every month for both high school and middle school students. There are a variety of different events such as bowling, movie nights, the pumpkin patch, lock-ins and more. Below are some upcoming events. Students are encouraged to invite their friends !

Capture the Light

High school and Middle school Students

September 15th, 7:30-11:00pm

*Permission Slip Required*

Race through the night to find the light before your friends do. Camo or dark clothes and closed toed shoes recommended. 

TAG Volleyball Kick-off

HS and MS Students

September 18th, 6:30-8:00pm

@ The Gadaire's House

Come enjoy volleyball, friendship and lots of laughs while getting to know the TAG leaders and friends who will be in your group. 

(TAG = Teen Accountability Groups, which are age and gender divided bible study small groups for our youth.) 

Bi-zi Farms Outing!

HS and MS Students

October 28th, 12:00-5:00pm

Cost: $15

*Permission Slip Required*

Let's go to Bi-zi farms and enjoy corn mazes, pumpkin launches, hayrides, apple cider and picking out the perfect (or biggest) pumpkin!

*Reserve a spot for your student with Bri Gadaire by Oct. 21st*

Youth Band

Youth Band meets every other Sunday evening during the school year and every Sunday immediately after service during the summer. This summer all middle and high School students are invited to join us and learn how to be a part of a worship team.

The youth band has led worship for quarterly prayer meetings, Praise Party, and some members have joined the rotation on the worship team on Sunday mornings!

Youth Bible Explorer Classes (YBX)

Youth Bible Explorer (YBX) meets during the second hour on Sunday mornings following our main service. This youth group environment provides a time for teens to play games, build friendships and study the Bible.

Teen Accountability Groups (TAGs)

Teen Accountability Groups, or "TAGs," are small group Bible studies led by an adult mentor.  Students study and respond to God's word while encouraging one another to grow in their relationship with Jesus. To get more information or get connected, mark your interest on the connect card. 


Register today!

Summer camps are an amazing opportunity for students to connect with each other and adult leaders, have a ton of fun, participate in exciting activities, hear the gospel and live it out in community with other students. We are partnering with a collection of other churches around the Vancouver/Portland metro area to put on two camps: one for high schoolers (ETV) and one for middle schoolers (ETM). These will be life-changing experiences and you won't want to miss it!

Experience the Valley

Who: students entering 9th - 12th grade and 2023 grads

When: July 9 - 15 (Sunday - Saturday)

Cost: $370 ($400 if registered after June 18th)

Where: Wasco County Fairgrounds, Tygh Valley, OR

          ETV will provide transportation to and from camp. Meeting location TBD.

Activities include: rafting, service project, worship, night activities, forums, tent discussions, bible reading, and meeting great people

Registration and more information: etvcamp.com

Experience the Mountain

Who: students entering 6th - 8th grade

When: July 24 - 28 (Monday - Friday)

Cost: $320 ($350 if registered after July 2nd)

Where: Camp Arrah Wanna

          Parents are required to provide transportation to camp Arrah Wanna. Carpooling is encouraged. Parents are welcome to pick their camper(s) up from camp, or the camp is providing an optional bus home to East Vancouver for an additional $15.

Activities include: games, small groups, worship, adventure activities, Bible reading, pool, and never-ending fun

Registration and more information: etmcamp.com

If the cost of camp is a concern for you and your family, please contact Peter Lundahl and we will be happy to help get your student to camp! Our hope is that every student would have the opportunity to participate and that no student ever misses out on camp because of finances.

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