
Most Sundays after the main service, we offer what we call "Bible Explorer Classes," often referred to simply as "BX." These classes focus on a book of the Bible, a theological topic, or part of the Christian life. We periodically take breaks from these classes for church-wide seminars, prayer meetings, and holidays. Classes include a time to mingle, eat snacks, pray with each other, and learn. This is a great way to build relationships with others in the church and grow in your faith. 

Summer Snack Chat

Our Bible Explorer classes are on summer break and will restart on September 17 (see below).  In the meantime, we welcome you to join us after worship for our Summer Snack Chat time.  As the name implies, it's an opportunity to enjoy some tasty refreshments and get caught up with old friends and meet new ones.  We'd love to have you join us!  Snack Chat typically starts about 10:40 (as soon as the worship service ends) and lasts about an hour, but feel free to come and go as your schedule permits.  During Snack Chat kids newborn-3 years are cared for in our Small Wonders nursery, and kids 4 years -5th grade have supervised playtime in the gym.

Fall 2023

September 17 - December 17

(no classes on 10/8 or 11/18)

Class schedule under construction.  Please check back later.